Section: Dissemination

Conference participation

Members of the project-team have delivered lectures in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • S. Boyaval, Finite-Element for Flows, Roma, April 2017,

  • S. Boyaval, RWTH AICS colloquim, Aachen, November 2017,

  • S. Boyaval, weekly seminar of Collège de France, Paris, December 2017,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on New trends in Mathematical Physics at the interface of Analysis and Probability, University College London, England, February 2017,

  • E. Cancès, SIAM conference on Scientific Computing, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,

  • E. Cancès, Mathematical Physics seminar, Université Paris Dauphine, March 2017,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the Mathematics department, University of Metz, March 2017,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on Wavelet and Tensor Methods for Partial Differential Equations, Berlin, May 2017,

  • E. Cancès, IMA workshop on Mathematical Modeling of 2D Materials, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2017,

  • E. Cancès, weekly seminar of the Mathematics department, Peking University, Beijing, China, June 2017,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on Focus activity on quantum and kinetic problems, Beijing, China, June 2017,

  • E. Cancès, BIRS workshop on Mathematical and Numerical Methods for Time-Dependent Quantum Mechanics from Dynamics to Quantum Information, Oaxaca, Mexico, August 2017,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on Advances in mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of superfluids, University of Rouen, August 2017,

  • E. Cancès, Colloquium lecture, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, September 2017,

  • E. Cancès, workshop on Multiscale Theory and Computation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, September 2017,

  • E. Cancès, MOANSI workshop, Aachen, Germany, October 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Demi-journée d'échange Labex Bézout/EADS, Marne-la-Vallée, October 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Seminar Institut für Numerische Simulation, Bonn, Allemagne, November 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, IPAM workshop on “Uncertainty Quantification for Stochastic Systems and Applications”, Los Angeles, California, November 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, MORTECH 2017 (keynote lecture), Sevilla, Spain, November 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Oberwolfach workshop on “Multiscale and High-Dimensional Problems“, Oberwolfach, Germany, April 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, Conference in honor of Y. Maday's 60th birthday, Roscoff, May 2017,

  • V. Ehrlacher, SIAM CSE conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,

  • G. Ferré, Young researchers' seminar, IHP semester, “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, June 2017,

  • G. Ferré, Large deviation theory in statistical physics, ICTS, Bengalore, September 2017,

  • M. Josien, CAMP Seminar, University of Chicago, April 2017,

  • M. Josien, SciCADE Conference, Bath, September 2017,

  • M. Josien, Séminaire de Physique Mathématique-EDP, Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, December 2017,

  • D. Kazerani, weekly seminar, Orléans, October 2017,

  • D. Kazerani, Post-doc days of IHES, Orsay, October 2017,

  • D. Kazerani, weekly seminar IRD, Paris, October 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Conference in honor of Yvon Maday's 60th birthday, May 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Conference in honor of Patrick Joly's 60th birthday, August 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Workshop HPC, Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, September 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Multiscale Modeling, Theory, and Computation, Conference in honor of Mitchell Luskin's 65th birthday, Minneapolis, September 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Homogenization Theory and Applications, Weierstrass Institute Berlin, October 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, BIRS Workshop on “Computational Uncertainty Quantification”, Banff International Research Station (BIRS), Canada, October 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Séminaire d'Automatique du plateau de Saclay, June 2017,

  • C. Le Bris, Forum Teratec, July 2017,

  • F. Legoll, Workshop stochastic homogenization, Bonn, February 2017,

  • F. Legoll, UNECECOMP Conference, Rhodes, June 2017,

  • F. Legoll, ADMOS Conference, Verbania, June 2017,

  • F. Legoll, CIMPA Summer school on multiscale methods, Lucknow, India, July 2017,

  • F. Legoll, USNCCM Conference, Montreal, July 2017,

  • F. Legoll, COMPLAS 2017 Conference, Barcelona, September 2017,

  • F. Legoll, Scicade conference, Bath, September 2017,

  • F. Legoll, IMA program on multiscale mathematics, Minneapolis, September 2017,

  • F. Legoll, séminaire Université de Genève, October 2017,

  • F. Legoll, MORTECH 2017 conference, Sevilla, November 2017,

  • F. Legoll, IPAM Program, Los Angeles, November, 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, workshop on Multiscale methods for stochastic dynamics, Geneva, February 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire du Laboratoire de Chimie Physique, Université Paris-Sud, March 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, CECAM workshop “Exploiting finite-size effects in simulations”, UPMC, April 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, CIRM workshop “interactions EDP/probabilités - équations cinétiques, temps long et propagation du chaos”, Marseille, April 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Colloquium Lorrain de Mathématiques, Université de Nancy, April 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, IHP trimester on Stochastic Dynamics Out of Equilibrium, Paris, April 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, CECAM workshop “Beyond Kd's: New computational methods to address challenges in drug discovery”, EPFL, Lausanne June 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Séminaire de probabilités, ENS Lyon, June 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, “Multiscale Theory and Computation Conference”, University of Minneapolis, September 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, “Quasistationary Distributions: Analysis and Simulation”, University of Paderborn, September 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Colloquium du laboratoire Dieudonné, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, “Workshop Stochastic Sampling and Accelerated Time Dynamics on Multidimensional Surfaces”, IPAM, Los Angeles, October 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Workshop “Bridging Scales in Molecular Biology”, Mathematics & Physical Sciences conference of the Simons Foundation, New York, November 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, workshop “Mathématiques pour la neutronique”, GDR MANU, Paris, November 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Mathematisches Kolloquium RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, December 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Young researchers working group, UPMC, January 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Chemistry colloquium, Cornell, New York, February 2017,

  • A. Levitt, THEOS seminar, Cornell, New York, February 2017,

  • A. Levitt, SIAM CSE conference, Atlanta, Georgia, February 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Conference in honor of Y. Maday's 60th birthday, Roscoff, May 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Scalable solvers group seminar, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, California, June 2017,

  • A. Levitt, CCP17, Paris, July 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Density Functional Theory and Beyond, Warwick, July 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Mathematical physics summer school, Zurich, July 2017,

  • A. Levitt, ICJ seminar, Lyon, November 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Groupe de travail Prob., Théo. Erg. et Systèmes Dynamiques, LMRS, Rouen, January 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Workshop PDMP et sampling, ENPC, Marne-la-Vallée, January 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Conférence PDE/Probability Interactions: Kinetic Equations, CIRM, Marseille, April 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Seminar of the Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, May 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Groupe de travail de probabilités, Université Paris 5, May 2017,

  • P. Monmarché, Trimestre IHP dynamiques hors équilibre, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris, June 2017,

  • B. Nectoux, Worskhop “Interactions EDP/probabilités : équations cinétiques, temps long et propagation du chaos”, CIRM, April 2017,

  • B. Nectoux, SciCADE, university of Bath, UK, Septembre 11-15, 2017,

  • B. Nectoux, Workshop “Quasi-stationary distribution: analysis and simulation”, Paderborn, September 2017,

  • P.-L. Rothé, SciCADE 2017 Conference, Bath, UK, September 2017,

  • P.-L. Rothé, USNCCM14, 14th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, July 2017,

  • P.-L. Rothé, Congrès SMAI 2017, La Tremblade, June 2017,

  • J. Roussel, Young researchers' seminar, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, June 2017,

  • J. Roussel, ICL Seminar, London, November 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, “Hands-on” Workshop on Enhanced Sampling and Free-Energy Calculation, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, September 2017,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar at Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Grounds, February 2017,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar at University of Massachussetts, February 2017,

  • G. Stoltz, seminar at University of Geneva, March 2017,

  • S. Siraj-Dine, Density Functional Theory and Beyond, Warwick, July 2017,

  • P. Terrier, The MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, April 2017,

  • P. Terrier, Séminaire des doctorants du LAMFA, Amiens, December 2017.

Members of the project-team have delivered the following series of lectures:

  • E. Cancès, The mathematics of quantum chemistry, 9h, GDR CORREL winter school, Paris, January 2017,

  • E. Cancès, Density Functional Theory: Models and numerical methods, 4h, Beijing, China, June 2017,

  • E. Cancès, Mathematical aspects of electronic structure theory, 3h, Aussois, France, June 2017,

  • E. Cancès, Mathematical structure of quantum mechanics, 3h, Heidelberg, Germany, October 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Lectures on “Algorithms for computational statistical physics”, 3h, ICTS, Bangalore, August 2017,

  • T. Lelièvre, Tutorial on “Sampling efficiently metastable dynamics: algorithms and mathematical analysis”, 2h, IPAM, Los Angeles, September 2017,

  • A. Levitt, Numerical analysis of periodic quantum systems, 2h, Aalborg, Denmark, June 2017,

  • G. Stoltz, From a microscopic description of matter to a macroscopic one on a computer: computational statistical physics, 6h, CIMPA Summer School on Multiscale Computational Methods and Error Control, IIT Kanpur, India, July 2017,

  • Random homogenization, theoretical and numerical aspects, 6h, CIMPA Summer School on Multiscale Computational Methods and Error Control, IIT Kanpur, India, July 2017.

Members of the project-team have presented posters in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • G. Ferré, Complex high-dimensional energy landscapes, UCLA, Los Angeles, October 2017,

  • G. Ferré, Numerical Aspects of Nonequilibrium dynamics, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, April 2017,

  • G. Ferré, Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms, Duke University, Durham (North Carolina), December 2017,

  • D. Kazerani, colloque EDP Normandie, Caen, October 2017,

  • B. Nectoux, Workshop “Dynamiques stochastiques hors d'équilibre”, CIRM, April 2017,

  • P.-L. Rothé, colloque EDP Normandie, Caen, October 2017,

  • J. Roussel, workshop “Trends and Advances in Monte Carlo Sampling Algorithms”, SAMSI (Duke University), December 2017,

  • J. Roussel, Numerical Aspects of Nonequilibrium dynamics, IHP semester “Stochastic dynamics out of equilibrium”, Paris, April 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, Beyond Kd's: New computational methods to address challenges in drug discovery, Lausanne, Switzerland, June 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, CEMRACS 2017: Numerical methods for stochastic models: control, uncertainty quantification, mean-field, Marseille, July, 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, 11th Triennial Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, Munich, Germany, August 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, Stochastic Sampling and Accelerated Time Dynamics on Multidimensional Surfaces, Los Angeles, California, October 2017,

  • P. Terrier, SMAI 2017, La Tremblade, June 2017.

Pierre Terrier has won the best poster award at SMAI 2017.

Members of the project-team have participated (without giving talks nor presenting posters) in the following seminars, workshops and international conferences:

  • M. Josien, colloque EDP Normandie, Caen, October 2017,

  • Mouad Ramil, PDE/Probability Interactions: Kinetic Equations, Long time and Propagation of Chaos at CIRM, Marseille, April 2017

  • Mouad Ramil, Workshop on Quasi-Stationary distributions, Paderborn, September 2017

  • P.-L. Rothé, Winter School on Numerical Analysis of Multiscale Problems, Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany, January 2017,

  • J. Roussel, CEMRACS, CIRM, July 2017,

  • L. Silva Lopes, IPAM Long Program on “Complex High-Dimensional Energy Landscapes”, Los Angeles, California, September-November 2017.